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How To Soothe Aching Feet After Work

There are lots of jobs that require you to be on your feet all day, every day. Whether you’re a chef, waitress, nurse or bartender, you’ve probably experienced sore, aching feet after a long shift.

a bartender making cocktails

Tired, aching feet can make your job a lot harder, so it’s important to take time to address the pain. If you’re finding it hard to relax when you finish a shift because of painful feet, here’s how to soothe aching feet after work.



Hydrate Your Feet

Keeping your feet hydrated is key to reducing the chances of experiencing foot pain. This is because dry feet can lead to other conditions, like foot ulcers. There are lots of foot moisturises available on the market to do this. After applying the moisturiser, you can also use a warm towel to provide further relief. 


This can be done by putting a small towel in a large bowl, then filling the bowl with hot but not scalding water. Once the towel has been soaked in the water, wring out the excess water and wrap it around your feet for 20 minutes. 


Try Stretching

By doing some stretches to help your sore feet, you can target one area that feels particularly sore, like your toes or heel. Alternatively, you can do a few full-foot stretches to provide all-over relief. 


  • Flex your toes, point them and then curl them for a few seconds. Do this ten times.
  • First, warm up your feet by sitting down and extending your legs. Move your toes around, then point them toward your body and away from it.
  • Rotate your ankles in a circle, clockwise and anticlockwise.
  • Stand up and stretch your feet by shifting your weight from your heels to your toes, taking turns to lift the front and back of your feet off the ground.


Draw a Warm Foot Bath

Drawing a warm foot bath can be very beneficial for soothing aching feet after work - and it can also reduce inflammation, stimulate circulation and help relaxation. To enjoy the benefits of a foot bath, fill a water basin with enough warm water that it will cover all of your feet and make sure it’s a comfortable temperature. Add Epsom salts, as this can help relieve sore muscles and even reduce swelling in your feet. 


Place your feet in the water for about 20 to 30 minutes. When you’re finished, make sure to dry your feet thoroughly and then moisturise them.


Have a Foot Massage

Foot massages are key to relieving soreness and improving circulation - and you can easily do it at home. It’s preferable to use an oil or lotion as it will lubricate the skin and make it easier to massage. Firstly, sit down in a comfortable chair and rub and knead the bottoms of your feet, then pull apart and bend your toes to give them a massage too. 


Apply Ice to Your Feet

Using ice is a great way to reduce the inflammation that causes soreness. This is because applying ice reduces the blood flow to the affected area by shrinking blood vessels beneath the skin, which then reduces the swelling. To do this at home, fill a plastic bag with ice and put a towel around it. Hold this against your sore feet for 5 to 15 minutes a few times a day.


Try Compression Socks

Compression socks help blood move up out of your feet, which can prevent swelling of the lower legs and ankles. These kinds of socks will support your feet and eliminate the throbbing pain. It’s important to buy compression socks that have a light compression and feel comfortable to wear, as if the compression is too high, it may cause irritation or bruising. 


Switch Your Shoes

You may think that your trainers are the best form of footwear if you’re spending all day on your feet, but if your shoes don’t have proper arches or support, they can actually damage your feet. Your footwear should be:


  • Durable so you won’t have to think about replacing them for a while.
  • Slip-resistant to keep you safe and on your feet while you’re working.
  • Breathable and comfortable so you can deliver excellent customer service without being distracted by your feet.
  • Supportive - especially for your joints. Without this foot and ankle protection, you’re more at risk of developing possible muscle and joint pains that could stop you from working.

At Shoes For Crews, we design and produce one of the largest, most comprehensive slip-resistant shoe lines in the world, offering over 80 styles. Our range provides grip, comfort, durability, value for money and style - perfect for waitresses, nurses, chefs and bartenders.

Think about your current pair of work shoes - are they equipped to deal with the hazards you face at work? If not, then it’s time for an upgrade. 


Find the Right Shoes for Your Role

Shoes aren’t just about comfort, they need to be durable and fit for your job. So if yours don’t have slip-resistant technology, you may want to invest in a new pair. 


Whether you’re a bartender, butcher or barista, we’ve created a buying guide to help you find the perfect pair of work shoes to suit your specific needs. Just click the banner below.

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