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How to Stop Getting Sore Feet at Work

A common complaint across many industries is aching feet. Whether you’re a nurse or a bartender, your job often requires you to spend hours standing up every day, resulting in tired and aching feet. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to reduce the pain without much effort to avoid any potential problems.


Here’s how to stop getting sore feet at work:


  1. 1. Use Essential Oils
  2. 2. Stay Hydrated
  3. 3. Keep Your Toenails Trimmed
  4. 4. Sit Down During Breaks
  5. 5. Promote Foot Flexibility
  6. 6. Wear Comfortable Shoes That Fit


1. Use Essential Oils 

Peppermint is an essential oil that increases circulation, stops muscle spasms and relieves pain. There are a variety of foot sprays and creams on the market that contain peppermint, but it’s also very easy to make at home.


Simply mix the below ingredients:


  • One teaspoon of sweet almond oil.
  • Two drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Two drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Two drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • 60ml witch hazel.


Then, using a funnel, pour the mixture into a small spray bottle and spray on your feet when you’re in need of quick relief - perfect to use during breaks when your feet are causing you pain. Remember to shake the bottle well before each use.


2. Stay Hydrated

Sometimes, foot pain may not be as a result of working on your feet all day. It could be due to dehydration or a dietary imbalance. So, throughout the day, make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. 


Health experts usually recommend drinking two litres a day. To help ensure you get all the fluids you need, there are a variety of water bottles you can buy that indicate how much water you’ve drunk and how much more you need to meet the recommended daily amount.


3. Keep Your Toenails Trimmed

It may come as a surprise, but a major cause of foot pain is ingrown toenails. This happens when the edge of your nail grows into the skin around your toenail. The best way to avoid this from happening is by cutting your toenails straight across with clean, sharp nail scissors. It’s important not to round the corners to match the shape of your toe as this may lead to ingrown toenails.


4. Sit Down During Breaks

It can feel tempting to get out of work during your breaks and run errands, but if your job requires you to be on your feet most of the day, it’s important to get the rest you need. Instead of visiting the shop to buy lunch, bring food with you to work and opt for a seated meal instead. In a fast-paced role, it's even more important to use your breaks to get regular rest. 


5. Promote Foot Flexibility

As you get older, your calf muscles may tighten. In turn, this puts more stress on the balls of your feet and causes pain. To prevent this, you can do a variety of exercises on a regular basis. 


Firstly, find a step where you can hold onto the rail for safety. Then, stand with your toes on the step and your heels off the edge. Next, slowly lower your heels down and hold this position for 10 seconds before lifting your heels to the starting position. 


Don’t force your heel further than it wants to go. If you can’t do both feet at the same time, take turns with each foot. Find an exercise that works for you and regularly repeat five to 10 times during breaks.


6. Wear Comfortable Shoes That Fit

If it has been a while since you last measured your feet, your feet may have grown and your size may have changed. Here are some tips for choosing shoes that fit:


  • Having feet of different sizes is very common, so when choosing which size, fit your shoes to the larger of the two.
  • There should be about half an inch of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.
  • Your feet swell over the course of the day, so the best time to fit shoes is in the afternoon. 
  • When trying on shoes, wear the socks you’d normally wear with that type of shoe.


If you're on your feet all day, your shoes need to support you and not cause you any pain. When looking for suitable footwear, look for comfortable options that are lightweight to take any pressure off your legs knees and joints. Also, look for accessories you can insert into your shoes. For example, you can add comfort insoles into your favourite pair of shoes which adds EVA cushioning or a gel layer for added comfort.


Are your current shoes causing you pain but you’re not sure what to look for? Our range provides grip, comfort, durability, value for money and style - perfect for waitresses, nurses, chefs, bartenders and more. To find the right pair of shoes for your industry, take a look at our guide.


Find the Right Shoes for Your Role


Shoes aren’t just about comfort, they’re about safety too. But knowing the right pair to buy can be a hassle, especially when there are so many options on the market. Whether you’re a bartender, butcher or barista, we’ve created a buying guide to help you find the perfect pair of work shoes to suit your specific needs. Just click the banner below.


Tags: Bartender, Nurse, Chef
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